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|Paradox v7.2 ⌐MCMXCVII |WunTVoR||
Thank you for choosing the Paradox script :-) You won't be disappointed.
This script is mostly a protection script, it protects you and any channels
you have ops on. Most everything it does has an On/Off switch and is
settable to how sensitive it is, so you can customize it however you want.
Also included is a partyline, not quite as fancy as the one on Paradox v7.1
though. (This one doesn't link to other paradox partylines)
There is no setup you have to do, just put the ini files in the directory
your mirc.exe is in, that's it. All the settings will go to default values,
if they are not set by you. The first time you run it you will see a
ctcp startup from yourself, this is a one time only thing. This adds you
to your userlist so you don't have to worry about that :-)...
|Userlist/Shitlist Control|
I've put this in it's own section because the userlist/shitlist is probably
the most important part of a script.
The userlist and shitlist are channel specific. This means if you add
someone to the op list on #mirc they can't get ops on #chat from you, and
if you shitlist someone on #mirc they won't get kicked from #chat when they
Userlist: /user <channel> <nick> <flag>
Channel: Channel they have access on, put #* if you want to add them
to all channels.
Nick: The person must be on IRC at the time you add them, it will
look up the address to add them under for you.
Flag: Flag tells the script what level this person will be.
-o -- op level
Can get ops via ctcp or auto if auto-op is on, etc....
-f -- friend level
Doesn't really do anything other remind you that you
know them :-)
-p -- partyline level
The person only has access to the partyline, people
must be at least this level to use the partyline.
Removing Users: /duser <channel> <nick>
Channel: Channel to remove user from, put #* to remove totally
Nick: Nick to remove, the person must be on irc to remove them.
Shitlist: /shit <channel> <nick/host> <reason>
Channel: Channel they are shitlisted from, put #* for all channels
Nick/Host: If you put in the nick of the person to shitlist it will
look up the address and shitlist them.
If you put in a mask it will add that mask to the list, so
you can shit *!*@*.lame.net if you want.
Reason: This is the message that will be in the kick when this
person joins the channel.
Listing Shits: /ls <mask/channel>
/ls #mirc -- This will list all the people on your shitlist for the
#mirc channel.
/ls *.lame.net -- This will list all people on your shitlist that
are from lame.net
If you did /ls *a* it would show you all shits
that have an 'a' in them somewhere.
Removing Shits: /rshit <mask/channel>
Same as /ls command, but it will also remove them from the shitlist.
NOTE: The address it looks up for someone is the best address you can use
to add people to your userlist, all dynamic parts are taken out
and the rest is used.
Example: Wuntvor!booty@hou-tx13-21.ix.netcom.com becomes
NOTE2: You can also use your channel popups to do /user and /shit commands.
|Options and Settings|
Popups are used to set all your options. Just right click in any window and
you can set them, or view them.
Flood Protection
Includes CTCP, Invite, Notice, and MSG floods. Each can be set to how many
in how many seconds. These are specific to users, so if 10 people flud you,
you will get flooded. I've had botnets flood me with this though, and they
have yet to kill me.
Channel Protection
All these options can be turned off, except for Clone detection.
'too many' and 'given time' refer to what you set them to.
Protection includes:
Auto-Ops -- On big channels I don't suggest using auto-ops, one
spoofer is all it takes to lose your channel.
Text/Action/Notice Floods -- These are grouped together so someone can't
Notice, say, me, notice, say, me and get away
with it.
Nick Floods -- Self explanitory :-)
NOTE: Channel Ops can be exempted from all the flood detection.
Repeat Kick -- If someone repeats the same exact thing too many times it
it will kick/ban them from the channel. Channel Ops aren't
kicked for repeating.
MassDeop -- If someone deops too many people in the time given it will
Deop and kick them for it.
MassKick -- If someone kicks too many ops in the time given it will kick
them for it.
Ban Filter Kick -- If a ban is set it will filter out any people matching
the ban. Channel Ops can be exempted from the filter.
Clone Detection -- If someone has too many clients in a channel it will
kick them and the clones.
Miscellaneous Settings
Ban Rejoin -- If this option is on and you try to join a channel, if you are
banned it will attempt to rejoin every 5 seconds until you
get in the channel or shut it off.
NOTE: it will only tell you once that it is attempting a
rejoin, so pay attention :-)
Lag Check Time -- Paradox periodically checks the lag to your server, this
is displayed in the titlebar. This option sets how often
it checks. (I suggest using 60 seconds.)
Info Greet Users -- Paradox also comes with settable autogreets for users.
Users can set this by a ctcp or .info while in the
partyline. If this option is on, when a user joins a
channel it will display this message.
MSG Echo -- I created this option because I hate having extra windows :-).
If this option is on, all private msgs will be echoed to the
active window. (Don't worry, it's in color so you won't get
|General Stuff|
You can minimize your status window. (my hatred of extra windows strikes
again :-) I have coded almost all the raw codes so that anything that would
go in your status window, will get echoed to the active window.
I suggest you look through the popups and see what's there, it might save
you some typing :-). Most things you would want to do on a channel are
To start the partyline either use the popups or type /startpl
To shut down the partyline either use the popups or type /endpl
To chat someone while the partyline is up use /chat <nick>
This looks up the address of the person so everything works smoothly
/access <channel> <nick> -- Tells you someones access level
/setaway <away message>
/back -- You don't need to do this, just type in a channel and it will
set you back automatically.
/chat <nick> -- Use this to dcc chat people while the partyline is open
/clr -- This clears out all the Flood control and detection variables.
If you open up the remote section I suggest you use this when
you come back, variables seem to get trapped in there when you
do that.
/cm <+modes-modes> -- does /mode # +modes-modes -- /cm +tn-s
/cycle -- Parts and Joins current channel
/colors -- Echoes the mirc colors to you
/colort <N> -- Echoes the mirc colors on 'N' background
/creport -- Gives a list of clones on current channel
/dop <nick1> <nick2> etc... -- Deops up to 12 people
/duser <channel> <nick> -- Removes someone from the userlist, use #* to remove them totally
/endpl -- Shuts down the partyline
/hop <channel> -- Parts current channel and joins <channel>
/j <channel> -- Joins a channel
/k <nick> <kick msg> -- Kicks someone from current channel
/kban <nick> <kick msg> -- Kick/Bans someone from current channel
/l -- Parts current channel
/ls <chan/mask> -- Lists shits
/m <nick> <message> -- Sends a message to someone
/mban <flag> <type> -- Mass Ban, flags are -o,ops... -n, nonops... -a, all
/mdop -- Deops everyone but you on current channel
/mkick <flag> <kick msg> -- Mass kick, flags are -o, ops... -n, nonops... -a, all
/mop -- Ops everyone on current channel
/mquiet -- Takes voices away from everyone on current channel (-v)
/mvoice -- Gives everyone on current channel a voice (+v)
/n <nick> <message> -- Sends a private notice to someone
/note -- Opens up a notepad
/ome <message> -- Sends a notice to ops on current channel (looks like a /me)
/op <nick1> <nick2> etc... -- Ops up to 12 people
/rshit <chan/mask> -- Removes from the shitlist
/shit <channel> <nick/host> <kick msg> -- Adds to the shitlist
/user <channel> <nick> <flag> -- Adds someone to userlist
/startpl -- Starts the partyline
/synch -- Synches ops and channel modes on current channel
/synmodes -- Synches the channel modes on current channel
/t <new topic> -- Sets topic on current channel
/treset -- Resets the topic on current channel
/wall <message> -- Sends a notice to ops on current channel
/wi <nick> -- Does /whois nick
/wm <mask> -- Lists matches for a certain host on current channel. /wm *.lame.net
/ww <nick> -- Does /whowas nick
Ok, that's it, I'm tired of making this text file. Just use it, you'll get
the hang of it :-)
Comments/Suggestions: send to booty@ix.netcom.com
Feedback is good, how else can I make it better next time :-)